Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Welcome to a quick view of what is going on in Room 205, Grade 5 Extended French.


We will work to create a reward system to encourage students and to reinforce desired behaviour.

FRENCH: We are working on spelling words for our dictée, focusing on the o/au/eau sound.  Students must write two sentences using words from the list and memorize them for their dictée this coming Friday.

We have also been answering questions with short french text to deepen our comprehension and broaden our vocabulary.  Students who have not complete "Lucie est malade" should do so tonight as homework.

Students practice a daily conversation each month, then perform a presentation at the end of the month in front of the class.  This month, we would like to try video taping a two person dialogue, them uploading our conversation for teacher and peer viewing.

MATH:  My blended math group has been working on data management. Collecting, organizing, displaying, reading describing and interpreting primary and secondary data.

From a display of our work, we have created success criteria for graphing.

We have created a Math Word Wall of Data Management terms to help us with our work.

We worked on creating and interpreting broken-line graphs.

We are currently working on organizing the data to create bar graphs with intervals.  Students will complete and Exit Ticket (ask your child about Exit and Entrance Tickets).

In English Writing, we are currently working on writing a personal narrative.

In Reading, we are focusing on thinking beyond the text by making connections, predictions and inferences.  We are currently reading "Among the Hidden".

SOCIAL STUDIES:  This term we are learning about Canadian Government and Active Citizenship.  This week, we are working on thoughtful questions for Mayor Sandra Cooper, who will be visiting  Grade 5 classes on Thursday afternoon.