Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Études de mots (réponses)

Mettez les mots en ordre alphabétique
Donnez l’équivalent des mots en anglais.
Bohomme carnaval
Il est la mascotte du carnaval de Québec
cabane à sucre
sugar shack
ceinture fléchée
glissade de glace
ice slide
hockey bottine
field hockey
booth, stand like a hot chocolate booth or a chip stand
sculpture de neige
snow sculptures
traîneau à chiens
dog sled

Passé composé
Futur proche
je glisse
j’ai glissé
Je vais glisser
Tu glisses
Tu as glissé
Tu vas glisser
Il glisse
Il a glissé
Il va glisser
Elle glisse
Elle a glissé
Elle va glisser
Nous glissons
Nous avons glissé
Nous allons glisser
Vous glissez
Vous avez glissé
Vous allez glisser
Ils glissent
Ils ont glissé
Ils vont glisser
Elles glissent
Elles ont glissé
Elles vont glisser

1.        J’achète un bon chocolat chaud au KIOSQUE dans le parc.
2.       Je voyage en TRAÎNEAU À CHIENS à travers les sentiers de la forêt.
3.       Le Bonhomme carnaval porte une CEINTURE FLÉCHÉE, une tuque et des mitaines.
4.       Je vais à la CABANE À SUCRE pour manger un souper au sirop d’érable.
5.       Mon frère et moi fabriquons une SCULPTURE DE GLACE dans le parc.
6.       Tous mes amis sont invités pour un jeu de HOCKEY BOTTINE après l’école.
7.       Je regarde le DÉFILÉ de flottes et de musiciens dans la rue.
8.       Le BONHOMME CARNAVAL est la mascotte du Carnaval.
9.       Les GLISSADES DE GLACE sont très amusantes!  Nous glissons très vite!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Media Unit

Here is the advertisement for students who are still working on analyzing overt and implied messages.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy New Year!

What a start we have had to 2014!

I hope everyone enjoyed the extra day or two off this week!  We had blowing snow until after midnight last night and our roads were still closed this morning in Grey County.

 As much as I enjoyed a couple of extra days at home, I was very happy to see all those smiling faces today.  I am so happy that our class had such a great holiday.  I was very pleased that we were able to attend Climb Every Mountain musical at Jean Vanier High School today.

When we returned to school, we jumped right in our new units.

In Measurement, we have begun our section on time.  We will focus on elapsed time, but we started off by reading time to the hour, minute and second, working with the 12-hour and the 24-hour clock.  Some students will have to work a little harder than others in this unit because, due to our digital world, they are not accustomed to analogue clocks.  Our unit will deal with both analogue and digital time.  Elapsed time will also comprise of elapsed time in years, months, and days. You can assist your child in this unit by providing him/her with real life situations involving telling time and calculating elapsed time.  Students can improve their conversions from digital to 24-hour clock with the following activities STOP THE CLOCK! or Convert.

In English, as described to students before the holidays, we have begun our public speaking unit.  Students have been a assigned a Dramatic Reading.  Presentations will begin next Thursday.  Some students have elected to participate in our Public Speaking Competition instead, or in addition to the Dramatic Reading.   Speech presentations begin on January 20th.  Your child would benefit from your feedback on his or her presentation skills.  The more practice students have in front of an audience, the more comfortable they will feel on presentation day.  So please have the whole family participate in this learning experience.

We are heading full throttle into 2014!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Remember ....

Please do not forget that we have a play to attend tomorrow at Jean Vanier...if you have not yet brought in your permission form and payment, please do not forget it for tomorrow...if you lost your permission form, at least bring in a signed letter from your parents giving you permission to walk to, and attend the play at Jean Vanier school.  The cost is $5.00.  Hope to see you all tomorrow, but the forecast does not look promising.  Happy Snowday!